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We welcome you to worship with us
Worship is held Sundays at 10 am in our beautiful sanctuary at 124 Broadway, one block north of the square in downtown Hanover.
View the livestream on our YouTube page.
Summer Schedule
Services move to the air conditioned King Auditorium from July through Labor Day Weekend.
The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated monthly on the first Sunday. The Communion Table is open to all who wish to know the presence of Christ and to share in the community of God’s people. All adults, regardless of their church background, are welcome to take the elements; children and youth are welcome to partake at their parents’ discretion.
Emmanuel's strong music tradition includes choirs, a hand bell ensemble, and special music from vocalists and instrumentalists throughout the year. We hope you enjoy the sound of the pipe organ, built in 1930 by the Ernest M. Skinner Organ Company and refurbished in 2012 by the Peragallo Pipe Organ Company.
Click HERE for information about our free Community Concert Series.
Fellowship Hour
We invite you to join us for refreshments and fellowship after the service in King Auditorium.
There is ample metered parking (free on Sundays) along Broadway, in the municipal lot off School Avenue, and in the lot at Railroad and East Chestnut streets. Churchgoers may also park on Sundays at the Old Post Office, 141 Broadway.
Accessible parking is located to the rear of the church and an elevator is inside the adjacent ground floor entrance. Out front, there are accessible entrances on the left side of the church up the ramp and on the right side of the church through the courtyard.
Assistive devices are available for the hearing impaired. Ask an usher for assistance.
We are delighted to welcome families to worship! Children's Sunday School is held September to May. The Nursery is open year round.
Children’s Bulletins are available for youngsters with options for ages 3-6 and age 7 and up. Both have age appropriate activities based on one of the readings from the Scripture Lessons. Pick up a bulletin along with colored pencils and crayons in the narthex and return the pencil cases after worship.
Visiting children ages 4 to 12 are invited to join Children’s Sunday School. Following The Children's Time, teachers lead the children to the lower level Sunday School classroom. Children are brought upstairs to King Auditorium at approximately 11:30 am for Fellowship Hour.
If you wish to place your infant or toddler in our well-equipped nursery, please go to the room across from the elevator in the annex or ask an usher to direct you.
Emmanuel complies with the Safe Church Policy.
The restrooms are located in the church's Frock Annex, accessed through King Auditorium. There are gender neutral restrooms in the office.
Welcome Packets
For more information, pick up a Welcome Packet in the narthex, or ask a greeter for one. The maroon folders contain pamphlets about the church and a current newsletter. You are also invited to fill out a Welcome Card so we can get to know you.
Open Chapel
Emmanuel's Bowers Chapel is open for an hour of quiet reflection
from 12-1 pm every Wednesday. Come as you are and be refreshed
in the midst of your week. Use the front door to the office on
Broadway, to the right of the church.
Bowers Chapel
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